ON your letters page of November 27, the Property Manager of the National Trust for Wicken Fen states that most people were in favour of the Wicken Vision. His statement that just a small percentage of the land is in food production may well be true, but

ON your letters page of November 27, the Property Manager of the National Trust for Wicken Fen states that most people were in favour of the Wicken Vision.

His statement that just a small percentage of the land is in food production may well be true, but if we are led to believe, food poverty is already playing a major role in some parts of the world, then should we not allow for this in our forward planning and use the land more wisely now and not allow its total loss?

Now to his figures and the fact that 83 per cent of respondents supported the vision. If, as I read it, 20,000 questionnaires were delivered to households in and around the area and meetings and visits to societies and local groups produced 550 written responses then 83 per cent becomes 456 in support; that means 19,450 did not, or could not be bothered to reply. Thus 456 becomes 2.28 per cent of the total which is hardly a ringing endorsement for the vision.


High Street
