I find it very unfair that work on the new pharmacy in Parsons Lane, Littleport, once a pleasantly done-up property in a residential area, has almost been completed before even getting permission.

I do understand that it had been a shop in the past but having lived opposite for the past seven years it has never been anything but residential.

This property is on a nasty bend with a road junction. It is a very busy main school route and I am sure there are far more children attending since this property was last used as a shop.

Parking for Limes close is also overused and tends to creep into Parsons Lane as it is.

I will admit that I am biased as this business will be opposite my bedroom windows. The thought of car doors banging seven days a week and late at night when it has always been residential is not what I want.

But I am sure this pharmacy would be better in the main street.

I understand Lloyds has asked for permission to move to St George’s Surgery, which is a good idea as there is plenty of parking.

Do we really need another pharmacy so close by?


Via e-mail