I SHOULD like to take issue with the implication in Mr Woollard s comment last week that I have somehow been mobilised by the National Trust in support of the Wicken Fen Vision. I am a member of the organisation, and a supporter of their plans to expan

I SHOULD like to take issue with the implication in Mr Woollard's comment last week that I have somehow been "mobilised" by the National Trust in support of the Wicken Fen Vision. I am a member of the organisation, and a supporter of their plans to expand Wicken Fen, but I am in no way their 'agent'. It is my belief that the Vision is good for residents, visitors, wildlife and the environment, together with my concern over Mr Woollard's campaign of misinformation against the Vision that lies behind my setting up the e-petition. I would submit, however, that Mr Woollard may be seeking a refuge in conspiracy theories?


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