£127,000 for Sluice – is it worth it – NO!! I see the powers that be are still insisting that it didn t cost the taxpayer anything. When will they learn that ultimately the taxpayer pays for everything – in this case increased property costs to fund the

£127,000 for Sluice - is it worth it - NO!!

I see the powers that be are still insisting that it didn't cost the taxpayer anything. When will they learn that ultimately the taxpayer pays for everything - in this case increased property costs to fund the developers contribution, plus increased taxes to fund the Arts Council contribution. What a waste of our money. It makes me wonder how much is wasted countrywide on this useless frippery.

Its not even suitable for the area. To me, it looks like a piece of workshop machinery which has fallen off the back of a lorry and been abandoned. May it rust in pieces.


Broad Piece
