I WRITE in response to your article, Postal Workers To Strike Over Job Cuts (Ely Standard, August 20). I am a postal worker and I don t support the strike. Strikes are a lost cause and we the workers will be the only ones to loose out. Modernisation has

I WRITE in response to your article, 'Postal Workers To Strike Over Job Cuts' (Ely Standard, August 20).

I am a postal worker and I don't support the strike. Strikes are a lost cause and we the workers will be the only ones to loose out. Modernisation has to start somewhere. Who knows, we could all be better off at the end of the day. The workers of this country are always ready to strike rather than try to pull together to sort the problems out.

I have been a postman for many years. My wife works and I have a young family. We both work very hard and save for what we have. We don't believe in credit as this is the downfall of a lot of people today. As a postman we have a good basic wage plus a lot of extras which the public never hear about. Ask any postman to tell the Ely Standard what their take home pay is with all the extras and I bet you not one will do it. So my advice to the workers is don't strike. You will only spoil a good thing. I will have to strike with the rest of you for the sake of my wife and family, but we all know more jobs will be lost at the end of the day.

