VOICE of the Fens suggests that Ely Crossing Action might wish ‘God speed’ to the construction of the Route B bypass now that the Cabinet has decided to back this shaky proposition.

Let me assure your readers that we have no such intention.

We are familiar with the emotional attachment that Bill Hunt and other like-minded councillors feel towards this vintage scheme with its mighty bridges and huge earthworks.

But his summary of the cathedral authorities’ initial response overlooks more recent letters to Cambridgeshire County Council in which both it and English Heritage advocate serious consideration of a new bypass scheme put forward by Ely Crossing Action.

Our new scheme, published in outline under “A Hidden Bypass for Ely” on elycrossingaction.org is already being discussed with interested parties and has the potential to reconcile opposing views and resolve outstanding difficulties.

Key aspects of the scheme are 1) no new river crossing 2) the removal of all through traffic from the station area and 3) little or no impact on cathedral views and wider landscape vistas.

We very much hope that all parties, including the local press, will see this concept for what it is - a constructive proposal that contains the elements of an acceptable solution.


St Mary’s Street
