WHILE I was touched by W Aitchinson s show of support for his old mate Mr Woollard, I felt it only fair to warn him not to hold his breath for the Government to stop Wicken Fen s far-sighted Vision. For they, like the majority of people in this region,

WHILE I was touched by W Aitchinson's show of support for his old mate Mr Woollard, I felt it only fair to warn him not to hold his breath for the Government to stop Wicken Fen's far-sighted Vision. For they, like the majority of people in this region, support the NT's plan to create a much-needed green oasis in the heart of our fens. I for one think that Mr Woollard and his neighbouring farmers will continue to do a great job in supplying the food we need, but if you are really so concerned about under-production, perhaps you should tell your friend to stop wasting his time opposing this brilliant Vision and get back to his fields.

