What a load of old cobbles... the cyclists are at it again.

There are no other road users, only cyclists, according to them. And how long have these cobbles in Minster Place been there?

I used ride my bike around there, way back in the 1950s when Minter Place was part of a two way traffic system.

When it was made a one-way system and the pavement outside the cathedral was brought forward, the cobbles were laid to make the road in keeping with the cathedral.

There have been no complaints about these cobbles all this time - and yes I have cycled on them in my time. So what’s all the fuss about?

Can these people not ride bicycles properly any more, or are they making this a race track?

I have never known of anyone falling off their cycle by riding properly past the cathedral in 60 years and Cambridgeshire County Council is quite right not to spend money when the road is perfect and in good condition.

These cyclists should be teaching people where and when to ride bikes, making sure they don’t go the wrong way down one-way streets or ride on the pavements in High Street.

It would also be very nice to see cyclists at night with lights at the front and back.


Ely Road

Little Downham