THERE was an item in one of the regional papers last week headed Bellyvision. Apparently there is a scheme in London (where else?) where you can hire the space on a model s stomach for two hours for an advert. For £30 she will parade around the streets

THERE was an item in one of the regional papers last week headed "Bellyvision." Apparently there is a scheme in London (where else?) where you can hire the space on a model's stomach for two hours for an advert. For £30 she will parade around the streets with your logo displayed. Knowing the size of most models, there's not much advertising space available for your money. I think that there is a definite opportunity here for a budding entrepreneur. With the Soham summer darts league about to kick off there will be stomachs about that will give you far more advertising space than some anorexic wannabe could ever provide.