I AM wondering whether those who run the National Trust have gone completely crazy or are trying to confuse your readers and us Fen residents again. It appears that yet another so-called consultation exercise to promote the so-called Wicken Vision is abou

I AM wondering whether those who run the National Trust have gone completely crazy or are trying to confuse your readers and us Fen residents again.

It appears that yet another so-called consultation exercise to promote the so-called Wicken Vision is about to begin. They claimed success for the last round but it was an abject failure, only 300 or so people out of at least 20,000 thinking the vision an excellent idea.

May I remind everyone that there have been consultation exercises almost every year since the daft decision to buy up and partially flood some 15,000 acres of fine food-growing fen land was taken in 1999. The National Trust people don't consult: they only hear what they want to hear.

I have watched successive officers of the trust get a public drubbing and then depart for more peaceful places. I advise Mr Cooper that he and the trust are onto a lost cause and will be told so very firmly - again.


River Bank

Nr Upware
