FOLLOWING Monday night s overview and scrutiny meeting, I felt I should write to clarify ADeC s involvement with Fenland Jam as I was concerned that people came away from the meeting assuming that ADeC s sole contribution to Fenland Jam was a one-off dona

FOLLOWING Monday night's overview and scrutiny meeting, I felt I should write to clarify ADeC's involvement with Fenland Jam as I was concerned that people came away from the meeting assuming that ADeC's sole contribution to Fenland Jam was a one-off donation of £409.

This donation was an important and gratefully received contribution to our funds but was only a small part of what they have contributed financially to our work. The grant paid for one drum kit which is now in need of repair from extensive use. Below is a more extensive outline of their contribution.

n Since ADeC became involved with Fenland Jam in June 2006 they have contributed well over 150 staff hours.

n Accessed additional funding of nearly £7,000, which has enabled us to run a full programme of workshops, demonstration sessions and concerts throughout the year and provided us with equipment.

n Created and managed a website ( and provided considerable marketing support through producing leaflets and posters.

n Helped us access, manage and develop a large group of volunteers. These volunteers have helped teach and encourage participants. They have also given generously of their time and equipment. The combined number of hours being at least 200 over the last 12 months.

n Helped us find venues and negotiate favourable rates of hire.

As suggested on Monday, it would be wonderful if ADeC could operate out of a hub venue. This would provide a perfect home for Fenland Jam and go some way towards achieving strategic Aim 4 of the East Cambs Community Safety Strategy by creating a venue where activities to keep young people occupied out of school hours could be established.

ADeC has also helped start several of the young people on working towards Arts Award qualifications and covered the costs, administration and tutorial support for this.

Should Fenland Jam have had to organise all the above unassisted, not only would we not have had the expertise, time and support but the cost would have been considerable. Without ADeC it would not merely be a case of us requiring another £409 to continue next year but we would be looking for funding in the region of £10,000 to be able to repeat our activities of the last 12 months. I regret that this was not the figure put forward on Monday.


Felton Way
