I DON T suppose that the Roswell Pits are actually natural lakes at all but probably the result of the Dutch engineers digging clay to line the river banks. The whole site was on offer for some time and there was every opportunity for other individuals,

I DON'T suppose that the Roswell Pits are actually natural lakes at all but probably the result of the Dutch engineers digging clay to line the river banks.

The whole site was on offer for some time and there was every opportunity for other individuals, groups or corporations to purchase it and either develop it in concert with local views or donate it to the district council as a park much as Wicksteed Park or Bournville was.

What might just be possible with the co-operation of the ECDC,the county council and/or local multi-millionaires is a private/public development plan creating a need for mixed market domestic accommodation with quality commercial structures and public facilities too.

The district council needs new offices. Let that be part of a beautiful parkland, inclusive of canals wandering around and under high-rise expensive condos, and having the waterways extended to include lock gates leading into the river. More land would need to be purchased, but the whole scene from Willow Walk, Lisle Lane and into Queen Adelaide could so easily become a thing of beauty. Because of the way the land slopes away from the new estates on the north side of the Prickwillow Road, high-rise apartment blocks would not be out of context so long as the quality is contained at a high level.

There are many examples across the country already of the sort of Docklands type of plan that would protect all natural aspects of the area; there would be walk ways from which canoeists, rowing boats and fishing activities could not only be protected but enhanced. Indeed would it not be a very good opportunity to use a little 2012 money to create some measure of Olympic facility?

What none of the range of opinions offered on this subject should not miss is that the buyer will expect to make a reasonable profit from the appropriate development of this splendid site.

Let's hope that the planners of the new owner have a little vision.


Bancroft Lane
