Some people at the southern end of the High Street have probably noticed that a few of their windows are a rattling good fit over the past week. In an effort to stop the Crown Garage slipping gracefully into the lode a gang of blokes spent the week drivin

Some people at the southern end of the High Street have probably noticed that a few of their windows are a rattling good fit over the past week. In an effort to stop the Crown Garage slipping gracefully into the lode a gang of blokes spent the week driving sheet piles into the bank. Now that it is finished it is a good job well done, but while the rhythmic banging was taking place it did get to you a bit. Still, it's better that it is done while the icy winds are keeping people indoors rather than spoiling an afternoon in the garden. It also means that nobody's brand new 06 will slide into the water and float away towards what's left of the mill.