Yvonne Long provides an insight into the activities of groups and clubs in Soham.

Heartbeat Health Walk
On the morning of Monday, January 23, 13 people met with leaders David Clarke and Linda Everitt at St Andrew's Church for the walk around Soham.

With David leading, they walked through the church alley to Clay Street and continued on a three-mile walk around the town.

They finished opposite the church and then enjoyed refreshments at a local cafe.

Soham Community Group.

Members of the Monday Club met in the Causeway Community Centre on the morning of January 23. 

The speaker for the meeting was a former retired nurse Caroline Nicholson, who is from Wicken, and she spoke in great detail about her career in nursing. 

Community Care Coffee Morning.

Diane Wheeling welcomed 18 people to the coffee morning in The Pavilion on January 24.

Refreshments were served while everyone chatted and caught up with the latest news. Diane organised the raffle. Coffee mornings take place on Tuesday mornings, from 9-11am. Everyone welcome.

Comrades Club

On the evening of January 24, bingo enthusiasts met in the Comrades Club. During a break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. New members are welcome. Doors open at 7pm, for eyes down at 7.45pm.

Over 60s Club

On the afternoon of January 27, Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone to the meeting in The Pavilion.

The entertainment for the afternoon was provided by John Redfarn, Bob and the excellent Band of Ukes. The band played many popular tunes that members could sing along to.

Refreshments were served and Richard Badcock organised the raffle. Richard also announced an outing to King's Lynn and a visit to a show.

Phoenix Club

The first meeting for 2023 takes place in the Causeway Community Centre on February 8, and starts at 9.45am. New members welcome. £3 entry includes raffle and light refreshments.

Methodists News

On February 10, a coffee morning will be held in the church hall, from 10am-midday. Stalls, raffle and refreshments. Everyone welcome.